Alec Bradley American Sun Grown is a bold addition to the Alec Bradley American brand. The American Sun Grown cigar is a Nicaraguan Puro featuring leaves from the Condolega and Esteli regions wrapped with Jalapa Habano sun grown wrapper. The Alec Bradley American Sun Grown Cigar was awarded a 91-Rating by cigar-aficionado magazine.
A more mature cigar, with its deep spicy flavors and robust 
character, the cigar is smooth throughout with a solid ash and nutty sweet notes on the palate. The range of flavors from beginning to end is phenomenal and the combination of power and satisfaction that became the benchmark of Alec Bradley.
Alan Rubin, President of Alec Bradley, and the tireless engine behind the success of this cigar boutique corporation, says that the American Sun Grown “has darker elements… It’s a nice little spice bomb with more body and more spice than the American

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