Zino Nicaragua cigars are more than a great smoke; they’re a journey, a philosophy, a living tribute to the adventurous way Zino Davidoff lived his life. Zino was always searching for greatness, a man who let the winds of fate lead him to better and better tobacco. That is how we received the legendary cigars that built Davidoff. The enduring presence of Zino Davidoff is what inspired Zino Nicaragua, the triumphant new cigar made for the newest generation of aficionados. The Zino Nicaragua is an undaunted masterpiece, featuring a tropical blend of tobacco from Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic in its fillers, all covered in a snug Connecticut Ecuadorian wrapper. Lighting up a Zino Nicaragua will gift smokers with the tantalizing tastes of fresh peppers, cedarwood, and coffee on the first third, creamy leather and salted nuts on the second third, and finished out with spices and dark chocolate. The Zino Nicaragua is the ultimate medium body cigar, perfect for pairing with island rum or even a craft beer on those warm nights.

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